The Menopause Blog
Changing hormone levels in the menopause could be sending your sugar cravings sky high. Food Scientist and Nutritional Therapist Susie Debice explains why, and provides 10 nutrition tips to help curb sugar cravings, helping to support better blood sugar balance for a smoother menopause.Read now
Water Retention and the Menopause
Being hot and bothered is one thing, but are you are starting to experience puffiness? Feeling swollen and tender? The menopause may be impacting on your day-to-day fluid balance. Here's why, along with some advice for combatting it.Read now -
A 6 Step Nutrition Guide for an Easier Menopause
Don’t go getting yourself all hot and bothered about your upcoming menopause. Food scientist and nutritional therapist Susie Debice provides six easy to achieve steps to follow that help support hormonal balance before, during and after the menopause…
It's Time To Talk Waterworks
Read nowDiscussing bladder issues may feel embarrassing but despite this they are common. 13% of women experience urinary leakage at some point in their lives and urinary tract infections may occur in 50% of women. The increase in bladder issues in menopause may partly be due to changing oestrogen levels and as levels decline, tissues in the urinary tract and vagina wall may become thinner...
Could Your Heavy Periods Become Worse With The Perimenopause
Read nowHaving heavy periods is often something that many women end up feeling like they just must put up with, but it’s certainly not natural to experience bleeding so heavy that it interferes with daily life. However, some women don’t experience the full force of a heavy period until they hit the perimenopause. If your periods have started to become heavier then, read on…