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  • Does a Vegan Diet Affect Breast Milk?
    October 11, 2020

    Does a Vegan Diet Affect Breast Milk?

    New mums often worry they won’t be able to keep up a vegan or vegetarian diet whilst breastfeeding.If you are wondering which nutrients your baby needs to thrive, and what you could be missing from your vegan or vegetarian diet, then read on for our ultimate guide...

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  • Fact Or Fiction: EFAs Are Anti-Ageing?
    September 6, 2020

    Fact Or Fiction: EFAs Are Anti-Ageing?

    I mean, who doesn’t want to get their hands on the elixir of youth? With so much demand for anti-ageing remedies, it can be hard to know what to believe.Never fear, we’re here to help. We’re going to cover some common ‘facts’ about ageing and get to the bottom of them.

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  • Should Women Weight Train?
    July 25, 2020

    Should Women Weight Train?

    The popularity of weight training in women has increased dramatically as more and more of us are beginning to understand the real benefits. If you are wondering if women should weight train, then read on...
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  • Simple Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Morning
    July 11, 2020

    Simple Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Morning

    The beginning of your day should typically be productive and enjoyable and should be considered the most vital part of the day. Bad morning habits can be very counterproductive and won’t set you up properly for the day ahead. Here's some of out top tips for a good morning...
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  • Natural Ways To Address PMS?
    May 18, 2020

    Natural Ways To Address PMS?

    PMS includes a range of both emotional and physical symptoms that are associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle. All women have different experience, but here we share some natural ways which could help address PMS 
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  • Why Don’t Quick-Fix Detoxes Work?
    March 23, 2020

    Why Don’t Quick-Fix Detoxes Work?

    Are you looking for a quick-fix and easy way to lose weight and improve your health? Then you’ve probably looked into detox diets. We’re here to shed some light on what detox diets promise, and why you shouldn’t always believe the hype.
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  • Give Your Health A Spring Clean
    March 8, 2020

    Give Your Health A Spring Clean

    As we move into March, lots of people will be thinking about spring cleaning their house, however, now is also the ideal time to spring clean your daily routines to improve your health and wellbeing. Here are ten of our favourite ways to do just that:
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